Nelle versioni precedenti di SQL Server SQL Server sono supportati solo i trigger AFTER definiti in UPDATE e altre istruzioni di modifica dei dati. Earlier versions of SQL Server SQL Server only support AFTER triggers defined on UPDATE and other data modification statements. Introduzione ai download per Microsoft SQL Server.
Notice the WHERE clause in the UPDATE statement. The WHERE clause specifies which record(s) that should be updated. Scegli il linguaggio e la piattaforma che preferisci Grazie. I have a temporary table containing the values and would like to update another table using those values.
Take advantage of unique built-in security and manageability to automate tasks like patching and backups, and save with Azure Hybrid Benefit by reusing your existing on-premises licenses. The SQL Server SQL Server updates are available through Microsoft Microsoft Update (MU), Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and the Microsoft Download Center. Follow the SQL Server Release Blog to receive information about updates and to download the updates. This page tracks the latest updates to all supported versions of SQL Server.
For more information about which products are supported please consult the Microsoft Product Lifecycle Page. You can update a UDT by supplying a value in a SQL Server system data type, as long as the user-defined type supports implicit or explicit conversion from that type.